Jazz in the Woods

by Barbara Dixson

Point of Jazz performed for the Friends’ third entry in our summer music series, and they were wonderful! The five musicians–Jessie Crandall, Colt Maichle, Kadin Yach, Mat Chapman, and Jayce Gorski–are recent UWSP grads, brimming with creativity and energy to give pzazz to their finely honed skills. Friends gathered early, chatting and picnicking, and more Friends and community members flowed in as the music played.

The kids were a delight! Invited to participate, they joined in wholeheartedly. Pictured above dancing are Faith and Hedleigh, along with a toddler drawn irresistibly to the instruments.

The group warms up.

Jessie, front woman for the group

Caden on piano

Jessie explains that a jazz number is like a sandwich, with the melody as the bread and the solos as ingredients. Faith and Hedleigh do their own drum solo and are warmly applauded.

The Omerniks come early, with a picnic.

Three-month-old Atlas exudes contentment with his parents Emily and Nik, till bedtime calls.

Lynn Wyman and Linda Orella make use of the pre-show time to catch up.

Jayce sits at the back pre-show to check out sound quality.

Colt brings huge energy to his drums and to all the music.

Mat on trumpet

Jayce lets the band play on while he introduces this “saxophone player to be,” as Jessie puts it, to the instrument.

Ms. Eisenhauer, Ms. Butcher, and Ms. Butcher’s grandson enjoy the chance to visit before the show.

Denise Czaikowski plays sticks as more sticks resound from around the amphitheater.