About the Friends
Schmeeckle Reserve is a 280-acre public natural area on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The Friends of Schmeeckle Reserve is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 2013, that engages the community in supporting this special place.
The mission of the Friends is to support the work of and advocate for Schmeeckle Reserve through engaging the local and wider communities. This is accomplished through:
History of the Friends
1978—Schmeeckle Reserve created as a public natural area on the campus of UW-Stevens Point.
Early 2000s—Former director Ron Zimmerman and then-assistant director Jim Buchholz come up with the idea for a friends group, which could engage the community, provide assistance with large enhancement projects like land acquisition, and provide long-term sustainability for Schmeeckle operations.
2011—Megan Espe hired as Schmeeckle graduate assistant to conduct a feasibility study for a friends group. Megan interviews coordinators at nature centers, parks, and wildlife refuges throughout the country and conducts focus groups with community members. Megan’s thesis published May 2013: An Exploratory Study of How a Community Involvement Program Can Benefit Both Schmeeckle Reserve and Potential Participants. Recommends the development of a membership-based friends group, to be supported with a paid position.
2013—Megan Espe hired as Schmeeckle’s first Outreach Coordinator, with a primary role of coordinating this new community support organization.
2013—Ron Zimmerman reaches out to potential board members who have shown support of Schmeeckle in the past. Every one of them accepts the challenge.
November 13, 2013—Inaugural board of directors meeting at the Schmeeckle visitor center. The original board members: Bill Berry, John Buzza, Barbara Dixson (still a board member), Alan Engebretson, Nisha Fernando, Alan Haney, John Jury, Jerry Lineberger (still a board member), Dan Marx, Jackie Meyers (still a board member), Dan Sivek.
December 3, 2013—Original board officers elected: Bill Berry, president; Barbara Dixson, secretary; Dan Sivek, treasurer.

2013—Friends mission statement approved: “Our mission is to support and advocate for the work of Schmeeckle Reserve through engaging our local and wider communities.”
January 13, 2014—Original Friends bylaws drafted by John Buzza, a local attorney and Friends board member, and adopted by the board.
April 25, 2014—First Friends-sponsored Candlelight Hike Festival, attended by more than 800 people.
June 14, 2014—First Friends-sponsored volunteer day event. Fifty volunteers remove invasive species, spread woodchips on trails, and sample for invasive earthworms.
July 2014—First edition of the ‘Round the Reserve newsletter sent out to members.
September 30, 2014—First Annual Member Meeting held.
- The 85 members of the fledgling Friends group recognized.
- Three new board members elected: Bernie Hlavac (still a board member), Jim Rogers, Rick Rothman (still a board member).
November 2014—Board committees formed: Executive, Marketing/Promotion, Program/Events, Finance/Fundraising, Lands.
End of 2014—112 Charter Members have joined. List of Charter Members can be viewed here.
Fall 2014 and February 2015—Inaugural Friends Writing, Art, and Photo Contest held and winners recognized at Friends board meeting. The contest encourages Schmeeckle visitors to share their creativity inspired by the natural area. Hundreds of photos, paintings, sculptures, writing, and other artwork have been showcased through this annual event since 2014. Click here to view the beautiful art entries submitted over the years.
March 2015—Friends become a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Winter 2015—Friends sponsor Research Sampler Series. Faculty and students share their experiences researching wildflowers, flying squirrels, and white-tailed deer in Schmeeckle.
October 2015—First Friends-funded trail enhancement project. The Circle of Seasons, a series of artistically carved chairs, constructed and carved by Schmeeckle student staff out of old cedar signs. Friends volunteers lay native stone pavers and install chairs along the Trail of Reflections near the Visitor Center.
September 29, 2015—Second Annual Member Meeting held. Officers elected: Jerry Lineberger, president; Barbara Dixson, secretary; Rick Rothman, treasurer. Jerry, Barbara, and Rick continue to serve in these roles through the present.
February 2016—Friends help fund the first facility enhancement project at Schmeeckle: an automatic electric door opener on the visitor center to increase accessibility for visitors with mobility disabilities.