Friends Programs and Events Calendar

The Friends of Schmeeckle host several programs and events throughout the year. Explore upcoming events below.

The Real-Life Pokémon of Schmeeckle

Menzel Pavilion 2419 North Point Drive, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States

Every Pokémon has a real-world equivalent, and Schmeeckle is full of them! Join Pokémon Professor Abigail to explore the animals and vegetation that inspired their Pokémon counterparts! Presented by Abigail Rajnicek.  

Capturing Moments 

Menzel Pavilion 2419 North Point Drive, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States

The world is so big, yet so small. Let’s stop time together using cameras, magnifying glasses, and more. Explore it all on an adventure where we will discover the details of nature you may have missed before. Presented by Brenna Ripplinger. 

The Art Legacy of Fly Tying

Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center 2419 North Point Drive, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States

Have you ever been inspired by nature while fishing? Let’s make art by fly tying. Discover how generations of anglers have used the natural world to inspire their work. Open to all experience levels. Presented by Eli Struck. 

Spring Candlelight Hike Festival

Walk torch-lit half-mile and 1-mile loop trails through the spring woods. Arrive and leave when you like! Cost: Suggested donation of $4/person or $10/family helps fund future programs and events. Character programs: Family-friendly programs presented by environmental interpretation students take place at 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. in the Pankowski Friends Amphitheater. Other events all evening:--

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Bandits of the Woods

Menzel Pavilion 2419 North Point Drive, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States

Have you ever wanted to discover more about raccoons? Go for a nature walk through Schmeeckle to discuss these masked bandits and their habitats, diet, and predators. Presented by Becca Ostrowski. 

“Nutty Neighbors”: Understanding Squirrels

Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center 2419 North Point Drive, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States

Did you know squirrels live on every continent except Antarctica? Explore how squirrels worldwide compare to those in Schmeeckle! Presented by Brandon Wagner.