by Barbara Dixson
From Thursday, August 15, through Sunday, August 18, this summer, Schmeeckle Reserve echoed with the poetic, sometimes puzzling, and often bawdy lines of Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor. It’s the fourth year in a row that the Central Wisconsin Area Community Theater (cwACT) has performed Shakespeare in the Reserve, sponsored by the Friends of Schmeeckle Reserve. At the matinee performance on Sunday, I got to hang out at the Friends table, chatting with enthusiastic theater goers, with the backstage folks who form the scaffolding for the performance, and with the Friends of Schmeeckle who provided and sold snacks and water, and offered hospitality to all.
Pictured above is Friends of Schmeeckle past president Jerry Lineberger, who not only staffed the Friends table for every performance, but also bought drinks as needed, set up and took down each day’s display, and took care of any other emerging needs.

Joe Nowinski, executive producer for cwACT, has been dreaming of performing Shakespeare in the Reserve since he was a UWSP undergraduate. He began as an actor with the theater group, moved into the producer role, and hopes to direct a performance in the coming years.

Elizabeth Felt, a Community Theater supporter, sold tickets and then joined the audience for the play.

Letty Demski is house manager. She and her husband Dan explained that the role means she keeps up with the money, organizes ushers, and does any needed thing, even picking up post-performance trash. Like Joe, Letty began with Community Theater as an actor.

The audience watched, absorbed in the antics of the performers. The day was warm, but not too hot to enjoy the amphitheater.

Melissa Ruether and Tom Pease found intermission to be the perfect time to catch up.

Mary Nowinski has watched her husband Joe’s passion for Shakespeare in the Reserve since the days when she too was a UWSP undergrad, walking Schmeeckle’s trails with Joe.

Andy Felt teamed up with Elizabeth for ticket selling and play watching. Both supported the Friends by buying some of our snacks.

Matt Kirsch made a video recording of the performance, which will be available on Youtube for a year, once it’s uploaded.

Melissa Ruether! Where would Friends of Schmeeckle be without Melissa? She’s the one who quietly supports all we do, giving credit to others, and exclaiming, “Let’s get pumped!”

Steve Menzel stopped by the Friends table, pointing out that his name is carved over the fireplace of the Menzel Pavilion, which honors his father and mother, Roy and Margaret Menzel. Steve and Jerry enjoyed chatting.