posted by Barbara Dixson, information and photos provided by Alex Mentele
The Fall Candlelight Hike Festival is this Friday, November 1! Just picture the trails of the Reserve blazing with torches and glowing with the smiles and leers of hundreds of jack-o’-lanterns, while the pavilion and surrounding areas buzz with craft and learning stations, the firepits give off the aroma of charred marshmallows, and the amphitheater rings with the voices of–what?!?–decomposers?
This year, though, there’s a new challenge. The pumpkin harvest was slimmer than usual, and while our generous donors (Feltz, Turner’s, Metro Market, and more) have given as many pumpkins as they can, we are still a little short on pumpkins. This is where you come in. If you have plain pumpkins or jack-o’-lanterns to contribute, fill out the form at this link: You’ll find all needed directions there–and thank you!
Just to keep everyone updated on how the pumpkin race is going, Alex Mentele, Schmeeckle’s graduate assistant, who is leading logistics for the Hike, has put up the very cool pumpkin tracker shown in the photo below. Also, enjoy some pictures of pumpkins and carving from previous Candlelight Hike Festivals!

For every ten pumpkins contributed, a new mini-pumpkin will grow on the vine.

Grinning a welcome

Yay pumpkins!

Perfect image for this bird-rich space!

You’ve probably seen this flower blooming by the trails this summer.

Even the pumpkins are joyous about the Candlelight Hike!

Volunteers enthusiastically created works of art.

Gathering the pumpkin masses.