Remembering Jack Porter

by Barbara Dixson

Jack and Cynny at the first Annual Member Meeting

It’s a sad day for the Friends of Schmeeckle Reserve, as we have lost our stalwart supporter and friend Jack Porter. Jack and Cynny Porter were founding Friends members, even attending our very first member meeting in 2014.  Since then, Jack and Cynny have joined in work projects, like sprucing up the south shelter of the Reserve.  They have made donations to our big projects, helping to get the Friends endowment underway and contributing to the amphitheater project. They have attended many Friends events.  And they are Life Members of the Friends of Schmeeckle Reserve.

Jack and Cynny learning about invasive species at a volunteer event at Schmeeckle

Many of us have fond memories of time spent with Jack and Cynny.  As one Friend put it, Jack “loved to donate his time and resources to help make people’s lives better.  He and Cynny always thought Schmeeckle was a wonderful place, and were happy to do what they could to help the Friends group.”  Another Friend added this: Jack and Cynny have been “active in promoting the Friends in quiet but positive ways! Great supporters…and very nice people.”   We truly appreciate the Porter family choosing the Friends of Schmeeckle as one of the organizations to receive gifts in memory of Jack.

Friends extend to Cynny Porter and Jack and Cynny’s family our heartfelt thanks for all that Jack has given us. We are saddened by his loss.