
A tree planted in honor of Bob and Mary Mosier’s 50th Anniversary.

Memorial/Tribute Trees

Planting native trees in Schmeeckle Reserve is a perfect way to honor loved ones. The primary mission of Schmeeckle is to protect and restore ecological communities of central Wisconsin. Memorial/tribute trees are planted in sites throughout Schmeeckle that are being restored to forested habitat. Your gift is a long-lasting legacy that will provide shelter and food to wildlife, along with shade and beauty to generations of visitors.

Funds from the sale of memorial/tribute trees directly support the Friends of Schmeeckle Reserve.

View existing memorial/tribute tree donations in Schmeeckle.

Ordering Memorial/Tribute Trees

Schmeeckle staff will work directly with the donor to determine the best tree species and location for planting. The cost for purchasing memorial/tribute trees includes the tree, planting labor, fencing, staking, and plastic tubes (to protect the trees from deer and rodents). Since Schmeeckle is a natural area, tribute names are not associated with individual trees; the trees become part of the larger forest restoration projects. People who are being honored by the donation are recognized on this web page (see below).

Two options are available for ordering memorial/tribute trees:

3-6 foot tall trees (#5 containers)

Cost: $100 per tree. Includes planting tube and fencing to protect tree from wildlife damage.

6-10 foot tall trees (#25 containers or root balls)

Cost: $300 per tree. Includes planting tube and fencing to protect tree from wildlife damage.

To order memorial/tribute trees that will be planted in Schmeeckle, use the Friends donation form. Be sure to indicate “Tree Tribute Plantings” for your donation type and include the memorial/tribute name.

Memorial/Tribute Tree Donations in Schmeeckle

The following individuals and organizations have generously donated trees planted in Schmeeckle to honor friends and family.

Spring 2025 Plantings

  • A large yellow birch will be planted in memory of Robert J. “Bob” Burch. Donated by the Friends of Tucker Burch.
  • Red maple trees will be planted in the Lake Restoration Area in memory of Janet Marie Raasch. Donated by the Kitzman Family.
  • A large river birch will be planted in the Moses Creek wetland in memory of David F. Henry. Donated by Chris, Diana, & Lois Durall; Bob, Karen, & Hannah Medo; Bill & Kim Fisher; Jackie Meyers & Steve Faber.
  • A black willow will be planted in the Moses Creek wetland in memory of Mollie Strasser. Donated by Sharon Courtney and Jerry Kummer.

Spring 2024 Plantings

  • A yellow birch was planted near the Menzel Pavilion in memory of Edward Carl Jacobsen. Donated by the friends of Greta (Jacobsen) Strobel.
  • Six large white pine trees were planted around the visitor center area in memory of Adam Schoenbeck. Donated by alumni of the UWSP Men’s Rugby Club.
  • Two yellow birch and two cockspur hawthorn trees were planted around the visitor center area on behalf of the Friends at Peace United Church of Christ.
  • A white pine was planted along the Green Circle Trail in honor of of Dave Kosobucki’s 60th Birthday. Donated by Andrea and Steffen Peitek.
  • A large sugar maple was planted in the Pankowski Friends Amphitheater in memory of Robert Miller. Donated by the Miller, Vancik, and Doyle families.
  • 250 native tree seedlings were planted by volunteers in honor of the UWSP first-year class of 2024. Donated by the UWSP Office of Admissions and Recruitment.

Spring 2023 Plantings

  • A large bur oak/swamp white oak hybrid was planted in the Green Circle Trailhead area in memory of Sally Wojtysiak. Donated by Rick Wojtysiak.
  • A large sugar maple was planted near the visitor center in memory of Terry Feltz. Donated by the Circle of Friends: Hartman Creek Gang.
  • A large sugar maple and river birch were planted in the Lake Forest Restoration area in honor of Robert and Mary Mosier’s 50th Anniversary. Donated by Michael, Chris, Robin, and Rachel.
  • A white cedar was planted in the Green Circle Trailhead area in honor of Matthew and Marshall Tymn, “Wishing you a Happy Birthday as you enjoy Traverse City on Father’s Day.” Donated by Darlene Tymn.
  • A tamarack was planted in the Moses Creek wetland in memory of Earl Drefcinski. Donated by Jerry Kummer and Sharon Courtney.
  • 100 jack pine, 100 bur oak, 25 paper birch, and 25 American plum saplings were planted by volunteers in honor of the UWSP first-year class of 2023. Donated by the UWSP Office of Admissions and Recruitment.

Fall 2021 Plantings

  • Three silver maples were planted in the Lake Forest Restoration area in memory of Ann Halbach. Donated by Jane Halbach.
  • Two white oaks and a bur oak were planted in the Lake Forest Restoration area in memory of Kathy Schmeeckle Kinser Bayquen. Donated by Lloyd and Janice Schmeeckle, Jack and Diane (Schmeeckle) Geller, Keith and Kathy Schmeeckle, and Vern and Janet (Schmeeckle) Westberg.

Spring 2021 Planting

  • A large sugar maple was planted adjacent to the Green Circle Trailhead in honor of Kyler Strona, a fourth-grader in Maui who won the Sentry Insurance mask design contest for the 2021 Tournament of Champions PGA Tour. Donated by the Sentry Insurance Foundation. Read more about the contest here.

Spring 2018 Plantings