
Birch at Lake Joanis, photo by Bob Mosier

Planned Giving

Planned giving is an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy that supports the Friends mission well into the future. Our Friends Legacy Circle recognizes and honors donors who include the Friends in their wills, trusts, or estate plans. Legacy Circle donors are recognized on a permanent donor recognition wall in the Schmeeckle visitor center.

Planned gifts can be in the form of a bequest, life insurance, retirement plan, charitable remainder trust, or appreciated assets. Gifts are invested in the Friends of Schmeeckle Endowment Fund, unless otherwise specified by the donor. The fund earns interest in perpetuity to support enhancement projects and programming at Schmeeckle Reserve.

For more information about planned giving, please contact us using the button below. We would be happy to discuss ways that your gift can have the greatest impact on what you care about the most.